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Saturday, March 31, 2007
Another Week Passes....
She said the cutest thing last night. We were sitting watching Eastenders, and the scene with Ben and Stella was on, and Georgia told me that you have to tell somebody if you are being hurt by someone else. I said that I would never do anything to hurt her, and she said " I know Mummy, because I am precious, and you love me". It was so heart warming to hear her say it.
This afternoon while transferring some photos from my Laptop to my new super dooper PC, I managed to loose some pictures taken earlier in the month. The were some of Lynsey's girls and some of Georgia. I was pretty upset when Georgia told me not to be upset as she would let me take some more. When she put it like that, they weren't a special event that cannot re done again, they were just pictures taken on a day...any day. So she told me she would hug her Bunny especially so that I could take some more worry over, it's not the end of the world.
This evening we are all going over to Lynsey & Paul's for a chinese. And by some small miracle I am already packed and ready for the MKScrappers Monthly Crop...I have even managed to get everything into the bags...something that I have not been able to do for a couple of months as I keep over packing....I am unable to travel light.
I managed to get a couple of Dolly Beads this morning from Jacquie's regular Saturday release...boy do they disappear fast...
Anyway, better go and get myself ready before we head out. I promise pictures tomorrow, cause who wants to read all my daily drivel.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Ok, back to work...once I stop daydreaming about Daniel Craig in speedos...will update again this evening...
Sunday, March 25, 2007
New Dolly Beads

Tomorrow I am expecting some lush new Dollies. I was lucky enough to get hold of Sirius...and it is stunning. I also ordered a couple of beads a while back. Georgia decided that she wanted us both to have a bead each...the same. So I commissioned Jacquie to make us two beads the same. Georgia said it had to be pink with pink/purple/black dots. Jacquie did a wonderful job and even made one beads ever so slightly smaller than the other. So here they are...
Today I also ordered myself a new Mobile phone. I have two contracts, one for me and one for David, although both are in my name as I got it for him for Christmas many many years ago. Anyway one of the was playing up, and we have an agreement that I get the new phone, and he has my old one. So I ordered myself a new Nokia 7373 in pink, and he will have my Sony Ericsson Z520i.
Anyway I also made something that I can share, the Jenni Bowlin Project Kit this month had these lovely little hangerz in them....and here is my version.
I also made a "Love" Door Hanger for Georgia in the week, and here it is.
Pictures at last...
I have a few other things that I can also share, including a LO that I did as part of the ScrapaGoGo Design Team with the March Kit. I will add them in a minute as I need to get them off the other computer.
We have 3, well actually 5 computers in the house. One is in the garage and controls the music when we have BBQ's in the summer. The next is an old laptop that we got when we were in New York in 1999, Georgia was using it to play some old games. Next we have the PC that we have just replaced, which was the main family computer, well mainly mine...LOL, then comes my laptop which is almost 2 years old, which is for my work, and finally the new Dell PC that arrived on Friday. They all work, so I am loathed to get rid of them, especially as they are worth next to nothing I put them go use around the house. The old family PC will become Georgia's PC, and we will load all her games and learning programs onto it. Four of the Five are actually contected to the Internet, only the old laptop is incapable as it would be too slow. So Georgia will still be able to play on the CBeebies website...a girl has to be able to surf the web ya know.
Anyway, enough for now. I will be back later with some more pictures.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Yesterday my new Dell PC also arrived, and I am now fully has a magnificent 22 inch widescreen monitor. Now I just need to get all my music, pictures and emails transferred over before Georgia takes possession of the old pc and loads her Dora game on it. I also got a Playstation 2. With the release of the PS3 this week, prices had come down, and I managed to get one of the slimline ones for £60. Now I just have to order the Buzz games that we want, and a Dance Mat game for Georgia.
I have been crafting this week, a little more than in previous weeks. With David now in the house in the evening/night I find that there is less time for me to disappear into my craft room to create. I made a cute little canvas on Monday and the MKScrappers Crop, which has a picture of Georgia playing in the snow. Used my lush new Heidi Swapp corner stamps, and heart bling. Then on Thursday night I made a canvas for Georgia's school teacher which had a picture of the Kids doing a Dragon Dance as part of the Chinese New Year celebrations they had in February. She was so chuffed, and loved it. She even showed it off to the class in morning registration, and the other Foundation teacher was envious and asked if it was for everyone....I think he wanted one.
Today I intend to play in my craft room for a while, and maybe a little housework, but to be honest if I do it today, it will only get messed up by Georgia before the weekend is over.
Will be back to load pics later.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!
Today was work as usual. Georgia made me wear a "Birthday Girl" badge, which was a little embarassing, particularly outside the school when people were wishing me Happy Birthday and I couldn't work out how they knew......that darn badge...LOL. I received a lovely box of Belgian Chocolates from one of my clients...yum yum. Then after school I had a hair appointment...had some highlights (copper & blonde) and then a semi in chocolate brown. I love it.....looks all shiny and glossy. So with my new hairdo I went out to dinner at the Wavendon Arms in Wavendon, just outside of Milton Keynes and on the way to Woburn Sands. Had a fab time with all the ladies from the BNI group that I used to belong too...fantastic food, lovely surroundings and wonderful company...what more could I ask for.
Today my lovely Dolly beads arrived from Jacquie, via Nick, her Husband and his wonderful delivery service. I got 3 stunning beads...Purple Velvet, Ferris Wheel & Passion....they are all lush, and I will post a picture tomorrow morning, together with the canvas I made on Monday night.
Well, I think it is time for bed...have had a couple of drinkies and feeling a little tipsy...and have to work need some sleep.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
What a Weekend!!
Well, as I mentioned the other day, we went down to Surrey to see our families on Saturday. We had a lovely day, including a short trip to Woking Crematorium to leave a card and flowers for my darling Mum. David was cleaning the bench of all the bird poop, and a wonderful job he did too. As he cleaned Georgia and I were standing by Mum's tree (the tree her ashed were scattered at) and Georgia picked up a feather and started to tickle the tree...she said she was tickling Nanny....I could just imagine my dear Mum laughing away, and it was so touching it bought a tear to my eyes.
After that we went to spend a few hours with my In Laws, we had a lovely time. Georgia ate too many ice lollies and sweet, which is entirely usual when we visit. We often laugh that when she visits she comes away "fuelled by sugar". Once we were finished visiting them we went to Tesco's got one of their Chinese Meals in a bag...or 3 bags plus some extras in out case (well there were 6 adults, and 4 children to feed), and went to collect my Dad before going over to my Sisters. My Dad gave me a lovely Birthday Card (as I will not see them during the week, and it saves him posting it), full of compliments, and I had to laugh at the bottom it mentioned that all these traits were hereditary.....from him...cheeky so and so, as I am sure all the good ones would have come from my Mum.
Finally on Saturday I received my Jenni Bowlin March Kit, and also a largish order from A Million Little Things....full of goodies they both were, and maybe tomorrow night at the MKScrappers Crop, I will have a chance for a little play.
Tomorrow I am having 4 Dolly Beads delivered from Jacquie @, I am lucky that she lives in Northampton/Northants somewhere, and her husband, Nick, works in Milton Keynes. All are special orders I have placed over the last couple of weeks. One is a gift for my Mother in Law, and the others are for me. I have also commissioned Jacquie to make me two beads the same called "Georgia" in her favourite colours, so hopefully they will be ready very soon.
Anyway, all in all a lovely weekend, filled with family, love and laughter...roll on Tuesday so that I can be pampered some more.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Thanks Rusty Pickle....
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
What a Day!!!
My ScrapaGoGo April DT kit arrived this morning nice and early. We have a different Parcel Postie this week as the regular one is on holiday, so I got to have a quick look at the kit, which is gorgeous btw. So many fab things in it, that I actually felt inspired to come into my craft room this evening.
Anway, after the excitement of today, I think I will have to get off to bed. I mean who knows what tomorrow will bring after a day like today.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
All Booked Up!!!
Feeling ready to handle anything I also decided to chase up Rusty Pickle about the "Girlfriend Alphabet Stamps" that I bought that had the "Z" missing. Well I got a very quick response and huge apologies for not sorting it more quickly (I first contacted them in December). A lovely lady called Christy Wood, the Operations Manager @ Rusty Pickle, said that she is sending a replacement set out today, together with some other Rusty Pickle goodies...cannot wait to see what they have sent.
Finally with the rest of my free morning I got up to date with paperwork, and sending out invoices to my clients...I mean they can't pay me if I haven't sent an invoice, and some of them have been nagging me for them all last week.
Anyway, let me leave you with another couple of pictures of Catherine & Melissa from the weekend...
Nite Caz x
Monday, March 12, 2007
Just Another Manic Monday...
As predicted today has been one mad rush after another. Georgia and I happily sat having breakfast until I noticed the was 8:12 am...and we have to be at the school for 8:45....arrggghhhh...My hair was wet, I was in my PJ's, obviously no makeup...what a mess. Georgia is not known for hurrying, and we barely made it to the school before the 9am start. I felt a mess all day, as my hair, while dry, was not done as I like it...but little did it matter, as at 5pm I went and had it cut anyway.
I came home from the school run to see a note from the Postman...I had two parcels to collect. I knew what they were going to be, as I am only expecting a few things at the moment. One was a pizza box full of stash from Craft Obsessions, containing mainly Creative Imaginations products including some "Caution Girl" papers...which are fab. So I have lovely new stash here, but am too knackered to play with it.
Got an email this evening from Roz O'Hanlan Miss Lippy Chick herself, saying that she has added the Flip Book that I did as part of the ScrapaGoGo Design Team (Feb Kit) to her Customer Gallery...looks lovely, even if I do say so myself.
Forgot to mention that we ordered a wonderful, gorgeous, fabulous, sexy new Dell PC on Saturday....can hardly wait. It has a 22 inch widescreen monitor, Dual Core 2 Processior (2.13Hz), 1Gb RAM, 500Gb Hard Drive...and much more. Hopefully it will arrive towards the end of this week, and then I can get it up and running. It comes with the new Windows Vista Home Premium Edition, which looks great, although I wouldn't get it unless you are getting a lovely new PC with a minimum of 1Gb RAM as I hear it does need the larger amount of RAM. Will let you know what I think of it when I have received and played with it.
Well bed is calling, so here is another of the pictures I took over the weekend.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Just a relaxing Sunday...
I'm really pleased with how it came out. I love that Catherine's face is in focus and her dress isn't. She has the most amazing blue eyes...such a cutie. Melissa has one blue eye and the other has a fleck of unusual and stunning. In the picture she was playing with cute does she look? The final picture is of my little pickle, Georgia.
She looks so dreamy in this picture...I wonder what she was thinking. I used a technique that I picked up from Kirsty Wiseman. The girls were sat on the deck in the garden, and I stood over them with them looking up into the lense. It produces such fab pictures, will definately use it in the future.
I have another full working week, and on the Saturday I am going to see the family. The plan is to have a takeaway, as an early birthday celebration....I turn 37 on the 20th. It is also my 18th Wedding Anniversary on Mother's Day. For the first time since Georgia was born, David has actually helped Georgia to get me something for Mother's Day...will wonders ever cease.
Anyway, as usual on a Sunday night, I have plenty to do in preparation for Monday morning, and the usual mayhem that it brings trying to get Georgia to get dressed...someday that girl is going to end up at school in her PJ's.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
New Dollies...
Anyway, back to the rest of the Paint Cans from my class on Sunday. So here are the final couple...
Mid week mayhem...
This week has been a little quieter on the work front, and I have actually been able to work from home for a couple of days. This worked out well, as I chipped my tooth on Monday, and also bit my tongue (I know, I am a nightmare) and now it is a little swollen...and my speech is a little strange, but is getting better each day, so the swelling must be going down. Hopefully it will be back to normal very soon.
I got 4 new Dolly Beads on Tuesday, plus a silver fair trade bead. I do have a picture, but will post it later.
Well, I am off for a hard earned soak in the bath.
Friday, March 02, 2007
WOW What a Week....
Tomorrow we have a house full, with David's Brother, his wife a son coming to visit for the day. Not sure what we are going to do get, but maybe a trip to Gambado's to run/climb off some energy might be in order.
Sunday I am teaching my first ever class at our local crop. A 2.5 litre Paint Can class...getting nervous, even though I know everyone....hope they like the class.
Got some more Troll Beads at the end of last week before I went away, but still have not taken a picture of them, will sort that out this weekend.