Well it has taken a couple of days to get my new PC up and running and get all the software loaded and made Vista compatible, and now I can load my piccies. I did the first canvas of Georgia in the snow at the MKScrappers crop last Monday. Pretty simple really, used a Poundland £1 canvas with easel painted with Jo Sonja paints, added the picture, used Heidi Swapp corner stamps with black Stayzon, and stamped directly onto the photo, and then added some of the new Heidi Swapp heart bling...well a whole pack actually.

The next canvas is also a Poundland £1 special, but on this one I have used a picture of Georgia taken at school, while the foundation year performed a Dragon Dance as part of the Chinese New Year celebrations that they were learning about at school. The kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves, as did the teachers who provided the music, by all playing something, we had whistles, guitars, drums, triangle...it was a fantastic display from both the Kids and the Staff. I used the lush new DCWV Far East patterned cardstock and ribbons. The nice people at DCWV kindly made some 5.5 x 6.5 inch cardstock pads, which were perfect for the small canvas. I also used some lush K&Co rub-ons for the title. The canvas was given to Georgia's teacher, Mrs Kirkpatrick who was over the moon and showed it to the whole class...the other foundation teacher, Mr Cross was envious and thought it should be shared...Mrs Kirkpatrick was having none of that though.
I have a few other things that I can also share, including a LO that I did as part of the ScrapaGoGo Design Team with the March Kit. I will add them in a minute as I need to get them off the other computer.
We have 3, well actually 5 computers in the house. One is in the garage and controls the music when we have BBQ's in the summer. The next is an old laptop that we got when we were in New York in 1999, Georgia was using it to play some old games. Next we have the PC that we have just replaced, which was the main family computer, well mainly mine...LOL, then comes my laptop which is almost 2 years old, which is for my work, and finally the new Dell PC that arrived on Friday. They all work, so I am loathed to get rid of them, especially as they are worth next to nothing secondhand....so I put them go use around the house. The old family PC will become Georgia's PC, and we will load all her games and learning programs onto it. Four of the Five are actually contected to the Internet, only the old laptop is incapable as it would be too slow. So Georgia will still be able to play on the CBeebies website...a girl has to be able to surf the web ya know.
Anyway, enough for now. I will be back later with some more pictures.
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