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Saturday, April 28, 2007

Day Two of the UKScrappers CyberCrop

Ok, so another day is almost over. I have completed 5 classes, 1 challenge and also played Bingo in a chat room. There have been some fantastic classes, but I have to say that amongst my favourites were both of Shimelle's classes. They were "Drink Me" and the classes involved making a little 3x3" album, and "The Box of Sweets" which involved a 12x12 LO using a picture that was 12" across. Mine was a little small as I forgot to get one printed at I just improvised, and here are the results.

I also enjoyed the class by Kate Hadfield (whatkatiedid). She is a Digi Scrapper and her work is absolutely lush. It has a real depth, and if you didn't know better you would think she was a traditonal paper scrapper. I didn't have the software loaded on my new PC, so decided to take the paper route. As soon as I get the software loaded I will be having a go at a Digi version. And here is what I came up with.

Anyway there is one more day of the CyberCrop left and I am flagging....I think an early night is in order, and I will endeavour to catch up a little in the morning.

Nite, Caz x

1 comment:

Alexandra McNicol said...

Wow!! Fab layouts, they really are great!