When we arrived at Looe Bay caravan park we found out that our booking had been upgraded and we have been given a newer and much nicer caravan (double glazed and central heating to name a few extras) and to be honest with the look of the weather forecast it looks like we may well be needing it...LOL
Last year we were unable to use our 3G mobile broadband dongle, but I decided to bring it again this year just incase...and would you believe it because we are at the back of the site and slightly higher with no trees...I can use it....YAY ME. So here I am blogging as the girls are sleeping and the men are in the bar drinking beer....a womans work is never done.
So I do have a very limited stash with me in the caravan (I couldn't not have something to colour...LOL) so may well make something during the week, although I will have things to show you tomorrow, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday....I was super busy before I left...LOL
I will be back tomorrow to show you my first Anyone for Anya? DT card....so until then...night night.

Enjoy your hols Caz, lucky you getting an upgrade too
Anne x
Sounds like a lot of fun! Enjoy your holiday!
Hi Caz! glad you arrived safely, shame it's raining though. I have your mobile number and will give you a call later.
hugs, annie x
Happy holidays. Ahh the light...perfect for colouring!
Hope you're enjoying your holiday, I love Cornwall!!
Annie *
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