I have decided to have a little Blog Candy Giveaway....not a large one....so here goes. If you are, or become a follower of my blog, between now and the 15th October you will be eligable for entry to a draw to win some of the new hAnglar & stAnglar Halloween images that I have been using recently. There are two chances to win...the first name out will win 3 of each of the 7 images that I have, and the runner-up will receive 1 of each of the 7 images. Scroll through my previous posts to see the stamps. So all you need to do (if you haven't already) is become a follower of my blog. The winner will be drawn at 11pm (GMT) on Wednesday 15th, so that they can be posted the next day in time for you to make some stunning Halloween creations......so come on....Be a FOLLOWER....

ETA = To become a follower all you need to do is click on "FOLLOW THIS BLOG" on the right hand side of this post.
Hi Caz! well you know I keep my eye on you! good to see the pics of your outing on Marlene's blog too .. .. what did you buy? hugs, annie x
oooh lovely
i have been a "regular visitor" for ages and followed offically for a while now
very generous of you hun
hugs jane x
You were already on my blogroll on my own blog :-)
Nice candy btw!
I'm new to cardmaking ( and have no idea how blogs work!) but have loved looking at your cards for the last few weeks. Now I know how to follow you! Thanks x
I am a regular visitor to your blog anyway but I have now become a follower. Great candy. I love hAnglar & stAnglar's, shame I don't have any of my own. Thanks for offering the chance to win some!
Vicky x
I am also a regular reader but do it through my google reader. I am now a "follower!" LOL Love your work!
I love taking a look at your blog, and am now a follower now too!! Would love to win this blog candy, cause Hanglars are the best!
I'm a follower! :) Woohoo!
I already follow your blog every day and now I'm one of your followers! Thanks for a chance! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
hi caz, I've been following!!! Very kind of you to offer this candy. hugs mx
hi caz, I've been following!!! Very kind of you to offer this candy. hugs mx
I have often checked out your blog but have now become an officail follower (makes you sound like a cult) I always love your cards and enjoy seeing what youv'e made next
I am a follower now!
Hi Im a follower of your lovely blog.
Hi Caz, i have been a follower of your blog for quite a while now. Im now a follower ! I have only just taken the plunge and set up a blog of my own. I love the hanglar stamps and would love to win some blog candy. x x
Wow how kind of you Caz I have just joined your follwers list so would love to go into your draw thank you.
I'm a regular anyway and had you on my blogroll ...but I am happy to follow your Fabulous blog as well. These images are so Awesome!!..Hugs, Ila
WOW such fantastic images Caz - I have joined your followers list so i would love to go into your draw please - i love reading your blog - i also find it very helpful - thank you - Kym xx
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