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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thanks Rusty Pickle....

I don't know if I ever posted this, but back in December I purchased some Rusty Pickly Girlfriend Alphabet Stamps. Well when I went to use them, I noticed that the "Z" was missing. Now while it is not the most popular letter in the alphabet, and I did manage to do my title without them. Imagine the words you would be unable to stamps....Zoo, Zoe, Zack, Zebra, ok so Zoo & Zebra would probably be the only ones I struggled with. Anyway I emailed them back in December and got a lovely email back from Tasha Anderson saying that they would send me another set with the "Z" included. Well, I was looking back through my emails on Monday and realised that I had never received them. So I emailed again, and got an extremely prompt and very apologetic response from Christy Wood the Operations Manager. She promised to send me the stamps and some other can you imagine my surprise when I saw the UPS man rock up to my front door and deliver a parcel....yes it was from Rusty Pickle and included the stamps with the missing "Z" PLUS a Rusty Pickle Book, A Journey of Creativity, plus some Girlfriend file folders and a Girlfriend Quote Stack. I am so stunned, and what is even nicer is that the extra things they send me are from the same range as the stamps, and also some papers that I already own....yay for me...and Rusty Pickle of course.


Jen said...

ooh yay for you, what a result! :)

Lynsey said...

And me who got her old set!! Thanks Caz!! Mwahhhhhhhh

Latharia said...

Oh, what a windfall! ZZZZ!!!!!! :)