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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Valentine Dolly Beads...

Today was the eagerly anticipated release of Jacquie's Limited Edition Dolly Beads. The teaser picture looked fab, and at approx 7.30pm they appeared on the website.....As luck would have it, I just happened to be looking at the site as they were made live. There was Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Bed of Roses, Queen of Hearts & Lucy in the Sky.
I managed to get myself the Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, Queen of Hearts & Bed of are the pictures.

The Lucy bead is a stunning black colour with sparkly bits and 3 cubic zirconia embedded in the glass. It is totally gorgeous and I cannot wait to get it. The next one is the Queen of Hearts, a stunning red bead with a pink/white heart, and the third is the Bed of Roses which is a pink swirls colour...and looks just like a rose head. I may give one to my Sister, but until I see them I am not sure...They may be too lush to give up.

Tonight we are praying for snow. If we get a reasonable amount there is a good chance the school will be closed. I was chatting outside the school to some of the other Mums, and there are lots of us hoping the school is closed so that we can play in the snow with the kids before the snow melts...we will have to see what the morning brings. Off to bed now...just incase I have to work tomorrow.

1 comment:

Nat said...

Mm those beads are yummy - they look so delicious I'd probably end up cracking a tooth on 'em!!! xxx